Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm almost there!


So, it's Thursday afternoon and I'm posting cause I'm pretty excited about spring break next week. I can't wait until I can actually sleep in. I've decided that I'll only allow myself to sleep in til 10. Any later than that and I won't be able to get out of bed the next week.

As for your question, Holly, I don't give all my projects Spanish names but I do name them. The reason for this is that most of the patterns that I knit are named by their designers. I named the cardigan that because the original pattern is called "Mr. Greenjeans" after the yarn the designer used. My yarn's colorway was verdeazul. Ta-da!

The weather this week was so deceiving. It would look partly sunny and then become completely overcast and freezing. Today is actually the most sunny it's been all week. Since spring is upon us, I'm hoping for warmer weather, even if it means that the warm air will bring fog in. It is San Francisco, after all.

Anyway, next week will be good. I'm planning on taking a spinning class on Wednesday and the rest of the week will be spend mostly out of the house doing stuff, I hope. I'll take lots of pictures and post some.

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