Thursday, November 8, 2007



Not only have these past 3 weeks sucked, next semester is also going to suck. The ONE CLASS I wanted to take oh so badly was so close within my reach! I checked the bulletin and nothing conflicted. Now I check again two weeks later and the Music department is offering a class that is only offered every other SPRING. Not semester -- SPRING!

I'm not sure why God is closing the door on this. I really needed that class so that I wasn't burnt out with music and useless GEs. I can't even describe how disappointed I am. I even contacted the teacher and everything. The other bad thing is that I convinced my friend to sign up for the class with me and now I'm not sure what she's going to do.

I'm still going to be taking 20 units next semester. If they had offered "The Voice" and textiles at non-conflicting times I would have sacrificed and taken 23 units. And now I don't even have the option.

I'm going crazy.

And I have a cold.

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