Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hippo Birdie Two Ewe

Hehe, so I REALLY liked this, so I wanted to show you guys :)
Look and read the first picture, but don't peek to the second picture until you're done looking at this first one!
Cute, but random right?
Ok, and now for the next picture..
Hehe, get it? Get it? :D I LOVE it! It was a birthday card I bought for my friend last week hahah. So imagine me browsing through the card section, picking up this card, looking at the cover, and thinking, "This bookstore has really random cards! They must have replaced some of the "random" cards into the "birthday" section.. geez!" And then, I open the card to see the second picture and *ding*.. the lightbulb goes off and I'm chuckling to myself because I was so moded. Haha, but seriously, besides this card, all the other cards were really lame, so I wasn't just being mean and cynical initially :)

And while we're on the subject on animals.. take a look at these:

Heads of a giraffe and a moose, right? (Ok, with a little imagination!)
Actually.... they are bones that make up part of your vertebrae (spinal column)! Oooo, I squeezed in a quick anatomy lesson for you guys! Didn't know you had that on your back did you?? :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm only sick in the head. Literally.


Luckily, I only have a (head?) cold. The first few days I had so much pressure in my sinuses it was ridiculous. I'm feeling a lot better now, still a little stuffed up but I can deal with that.

So school is really crazy and I'm glad that I couldn't officially register for that textiles class. I would be so overwhelmed right now if I had another class. I have to simultaneously learn the piano, clarinet, saxophone, viola, and a touch of cello and violin. Honestly, I never thought I'd have to do all that.

I actually like the wind instruments. It took me a while to get a sound out of the clarinet because I hadn't soaked the reed enough and I was given a thicker reed, which is harder to play on.

In other news, here's the cardigan I've been working on for a few weeks now.

I've actually got a lot more of the cabled ribbing done but I haven't taken an updated photo. To be continued.

Anyway, I can't wait to give you my personal commentary this Friday. Who knew my snarkiness would be missed?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

How come everyone's sick? :(

Amanda, are you okay? Missed you last night at fellowship. I hope you're not too seriously sick. Heheh, we started a new series of lessons... this time, it's on church history. Didn't see that one coming. I really tried to listen initially, but I must say the 30 min video wasn't the most entertaining. It's not even laughable like the previous ones. People started spacing out like 5 minutes in. Please come back soon; I miss your side commentaries haha.

And are you really learning to play the alto sax or was I misinformed? Please give me a brief lesson after you get down the basics! I really just want someone to tell me if I'm blowing it right and if the sounds coming out are normal-sounding or not. And perhaps a simple fingering sheet.

Yay, I have more pictures to show later. Hehee, hopefully you guys will like them :D